Authentication of art

Authentication of ArtStudy and characterization of art pieces, namely paintings, using X-ray imaging are becoming an increasingly important area. It is useful for galleries, museums, and collectors to improve conservation and preservation methods. It is important for art buyers to reliably authenticate the works. The advanced X-ray imaging techniques provide detailed data for insurance companies to assess risks involved in the transportation of art.

The spectral imaging capability of Advacam’s detectors enables the identification of different pigments based on their spectral responses. A “color” X-ray image is then created where the colors are associated with different pigments identified in the painting. The recognition of pigments even in invisible lower layers can serve as an important clue in the process of art authentication.

Advacam’s spin-off company InsightArt

Advacam has transferred the art inspection offering to its spin-off company InsightArt. The goal of the company is to be a one-stop-shop for art collectors, auctions, and galleries. The company analysis paintings and other pieces of art using advanced X-ray imaging techniques combined with the conventional ones. The combination of the techniques allows unprecedented techniques for studying art and identification of different types of materials and pigments in the images.

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